Author Archive for: ‘Vladimir Gitlevich’

Modeling with a Purpose, and Coexisting Models in Bounded Contexts (14 minutes)

In this 14 minute video, Eric Evans explains the purpose of modeling in Domain-Driven Design, why we have coexisting models …

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Oracle Communication in Santa Clara, California, is looking for DDD practitioners and Java Expert

Job Summary Grid computing, cloud computing, functional programming, OSGi, Scala, Java: software development is changing and this small group of …

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Применение DDD и шаблонов проектирования: проблемно-ориентированное проектирование приложений с примерами на C# и .NET, Джимми Нильссон

Книга о разработке корпоративных программных приложений в среде .NET с применением шаблонов проектирования. В ней описаны: как строится четкая и …

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Our policy on commercial events

This is a non-commercial site, but commercial events are an important part of the community’s activity. Therefore, we have established …

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Rebuilding With DDD

Presented by Phil Wills on Jul 22, 2009 at QCon           Phil Wills tells the story …

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Clarified CQRS by Udi Dahan

A great article by Udi Dahan, The Software Simplist, explaining what CQRS is and how it connects to other architectural …

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DDD eXchange 2010

The second annual DDD eXchange in London is done. Wow! It turned out even better than last year. The idea …

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Greg Young at NDC2010 “7 Reasons DDD Projects #FAIL”

Many people try applying Domain Driven Design and fail miserably. This presentation looks at seven top reasons for failure and …

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Eric Evans: Folding Design into an Agile Process

This talk was originally presented by Eric Evans at QCon London 2010. The recording is made during a meetup of …

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Best-kept Secret in DDD Community: DDD Immersion

Paul Rayner interviews Eric Evans about public DDD Immersion Classes. They discuss the contents, philosophy, the origins of the class …

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